Bernaise sauce

This is my version of making bernaise sauce.

It is the same idea as is found in many other recipes, but I think

that mine is easier.

one portion:

½ g of salt

Esdragon to your taste

3 cloves of garlic

one whole egg

3 egg yolks

50 ml of winegar og apple cider wineegar

250 g of butter

Put the salt,the garlic, the esdragon, winegar in a blender.

Let the blender run for 15 s.

Add the whole egg and the eggyolk and let the blender run for 15 s.

Melt the butter in a pot.

Just before you want to serve the sauce.

Let the blender run for 15 s. Heat the butter til it start bobling.

Let the blender run while you very slowly add the melted butter. This is the critical part of the process. If you add too fast the sauce may split.

Put the sauce in a preheated container and serve. Have fun.

At our house one portion is for 4-5 people, as some treat it more like soup.